Sunday, 13 April 2014

Frank's friend Herbert Davey takes his life at the Tank 1929


"DEATH AT DOLO TANK." Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW) 7 Nov 1929:
Inspector Gibson was advised from Wilcannia this afternoon that Mr Herbert Davey, a man between 40 and 50 years of age died suddenly to-day at Dolo Tank 90 miles from Broken Hill. He instructed Sergeant Sewell, of Wilcannia to investigate the matter, and report it to the coroner at Wilcannia. So far as can be ascertained death was due to natural causes. A brother of the dead man Mr. Harold Davey, who works on the Proprietary mine, was informed of the death. Mr. F. J. Potter has gone out to bring the body to Broken Hill.



"DEATH AT DOLO TANK." Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW) 8 Nov 1929:

Mr. Herbert Davie, who was found dead in a bough shed at Dolo Tank on the Broken Hill-Wilcannia road,yesterday, was 49 years of age. He had been at the tank since last March in the company of Mr. Frank Olerhead. When Sergeant Sewell, of Wilcannia, received notice of the death he went to the spot. It is understood that an inquest was opened and that evidence of identification was given. Later the body was taken to Wilcannia by Mr. F. J. Potter, where it was examined by a doctor. Mr. Potter then brought the body in to Broken Hill, reaching the city at 4 O'clock this morning. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 2 p.m., leaving the residence of the deceased's brother, Mr. Harold Davie, 162 Chapple-lane for the Presbyterian Cemetery. The inquest into the death is being continued at Wilcannia today. Letters left by the deceased will be tendered, and it is stated that these will enable the coroner to determine the cause of death.

                        STRYCHNINE POISONING

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